Then comes the coolest moment of CONNEX the workshops where the most concrete ideas and proposals abound.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 24 May 2024

The Winning Path for Startups and Businesses in the Era of Open Innovation

The first workshop on the winning path for startups and businesses in the era of open innovation kicked off with methodical ideas from Zeineb Messaoud (The Dot) around a service designed to facilitate the digital transition of SMEs seeking solutions: "Open innovation is a multi-step process. First, identifying challenges to define them perfectly. Then, launching a call for applications from startups with solutions. Next, after selecting startups, pitching their solutions. Then comes the role of SMEs. Either testing the solutions of these startups or refining their solutions before testing. During the implementation phase of the solution, the startup-enterprise duo decides on the action plan, working sessions, field visits... after signing the letter of engagement."

According to her, the recipe is simple: startups contribute to creating a higher-value, more efficient ecosystem. However, she regrets that "there are many startups and solutions that contribute to improving the international ecosystem, but we don't take advantage of them here. The state supports this ecosystem through several mechanisms, but we have very few public purchases."

Each one then deploys their way of helping to close the circle of creativity; like Fida Belhaj Ltaief (Future Islands): "We are an innovation laboratory specialized in developing new approaches to create innovative and collaborative solutions with a social impact. Our mission is to give individuals the means to create and co-create solutions to their problems and translate them into positive actions with a strong impact. We help our clients build innovation teams by providing professional advice on the best techniques, ideas, approaches, and resources. We also carry out innovation projects for them to help them solve their problems, meet their specific demands and requirements, and have an impact on how they operate."

Afef Boulares (Orange Fab) expresses her ability to manage differences: "Our primary objective is to create a commercial partnership between a startup and an Orange Business Unit to develop your business, accelerating your growth and visibility. We know that each startup is different and unique in its offer, but also in its operation! The idea is to offer customized support and a complete service offer. And the acceleration program is 100% free for all its offers: international network, personalized workshops, infrastructure, and mentoring, cloud services..."

Rim Tijani (Act'Incube by Actia) is part of an engaged and sustainable business model, where governance is the guarantee. Where Actia aims to be a human-scale company respectful of its teams, their security, health, and development. It is locally invested for a positive social impact on its territories. A group in favor of training, inclusion, quality of life at work... And its environmental model deeply determines the activities of the Group, from the contribution of its solutions and their applications on its markets, going back to the upstream phases of design, production, and maintenance. As Actia integrates its sustainable development commitments into its relationships with its various stakeholders, particularly in the choice of its suppliers. Quality and sustainability are thus key points in the qualification and classification of suppliers.