An Asian country holds the 'strongest' passport in the world in June 2024.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 11 June 2024

Italy Ranks Second in the World's Most Powerful Passports

Italy has been recognized as having the second most powerful passport in the world, preceded only by Singapore. According to the VisaGuide Passport Index, the Italian passport allows visa-free entry to 107 countries, while the Singaporean passport allows entry to 159 countries.

European Countries Dominate the Top 10

The top 10 most powerful passports in the world are dominated by European countries. The Singaporean passport has been ranked as the strongest in the world, according to the same source, with a score of 159. Meanwhile, the Japanese passport ranks 13th, offering visa-free access to 143 countries.

The Ranking Criteria

The ranking is based on a total of 199 countries and territories, taking into account various factors to determine their strength.

Tunisia's Ranking

The Tunisian passport ranks 129th in the world, as of June 2024. Tunisians have the possibility of traveling without a prior visa application to 40 countries worldwide.

Note: The ranking is subject to change and may vary depending on the source and criteria used.