A 100% Tunisian Cinemobile in Our Cities and Villages

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 19 April 2024

A New Cultural and Social Initiative in Tunisia: CinémaTdour

A new cultural and social initiative is born in Tunisia, led by L'Agora Djerba and the Association Focus Gabès: CinémaTdour, an innovative and unique concept on the African continent. This mobile cinema truck can accommodate up to 100 people.

This innovative idea responds to a crucial need: filling the gap in cultural opportunities in Tunisia's interior regions. The mobile cinema will not only screen films but also offer workshops, workshops for children and young people, as well as artistic exhibitions.

CinémaTdour will travel across the Gabès region, setting up shop for a month in each delegation, providing direct access to culture and art for local communities. This commitment to cultural diversity and promoting local talent promises to energize the region's artistic and social scene.