A Positive Assessment of Tunisian-French Relations in the Industrial Sector

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 07 June 2024

Industrial Co-Development Forum: A Platform for Innovation and Growth

The "Forum du codéveloppement industriel" (Industrial Co-Development Forum) offers a platform for various stakeholders in the industrial sector to exchange and share their knowledge and experiences, as well as to take stock of the evolution of this sector. Moreover, common and innovative strategies will be discussed to ensure the sustainability of the industrial sector and address current and future challenges. Among the major issues addressed during the discussions are decarbonation, digital transition, and many others.

Industrial Sector: A Key Driver of the Tunisian Economy

According to Omar Bouzouada, Director General of the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII), the industrial sector is one of the key and dynamic sectors of the Tunisian economy, contributing approximately 17% to the country's GDP and employing 18% of the total workforce. In fact, the Tunisian industrial fabric is characterized by exports exceeding 50 billion dinars, supporting over 25,000 jobs, highlighting its considerable potential.

Strategy for Industry and Innovation by 2035

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the "Strategy for Industry and Innovation by 2035" developed by the Ministry of Industry in collaboration with other ministries and structures. Several entities have already started adopting and following this strategy, aiming for an innovative, competitive industry that meets market needs while respecting the environment. This strategy offers a favorable investment climate, leveraging the country's strategic position, which is a major asset for attracting investments and promoting trade.

Strengthening Ties with France

Regarding relations with France, a key partner for Tunisia, particularly in the industrial sector, with nearly 600 French companies operating in the country and creating around 1,000 jobs.