Franco-German-Tunisian Triangulation The Bridge to Africa for Tunisian SMEs.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 08 May 2024

Tunis Hosts Inaugural Summit to Boost Economic Ties with Africa

Tunis recently played host to a groundbreaking event that injected new life into the continent, bringing together key stakeholders to explore new avenues for economic cooperation with Africa under the theme "Expanding Horizons, Strengthening Economic Ties: The Franco-German-Tunisian Triangle towards Africa." This inaugural summit was jointly organized by the French and German embassies in Tunisia, in partnership with the Tunisian Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Economy and Planning.

The Concept of Triangulation

The concept of triangulation illustrates the cooperation between French, Tunisian, and German companies, aiming to conquer the financial markets of Sub-Saharan Africa. This initiative demonstrates the shared commitment of France and Germany to strengthen economic ties, promote the internationalization of Tunisian enterprises, and facilitate Tunisia's integration into African markets.

Tunisia's Export Strategy

In 2018, the majority of Tunisia's exports, approximately three-quarters, were directed towards the Mediterranean region, while Sub-Saharan Africa received only about 3%. However, it is undeniable that recent years have seen Sub-Saharan Africa become a strategic target for Tunisian exports, benefiting from sustained growth on a global scale.

Conference Highlights

During the conference, Samir Abdelhafidh, Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Planning, responsible for SMEs, emphasized the importance of cooperation between enterprises to conquer the African market. This meeting falls within the framework of the Qawafel project, facilitating access for Tunisian SMEs to this market, and technical collaboration with France. Qawafel covers various strategic sectors, including ICT, agri-food, education, health, pharmaceutical industry, construction, and associated services, and aims to improve the business climate while encouraging public-private dialogue to support the integration of Tunisian enterprises into African markets.

PEMA II Project

Abdelhafidh also mentioned the PEMA II project, a Tunisian-German partnership aimed at promoting Tunisian exports in Africa. He highlighted the scope of these programs, which encompass all sectors, specifying that the Qawafel project will continue for another three years. In contrast, PEMA II has successfully concluded.

PEMA Project

The PEMA (Promotion of Export Activities towards New Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa) project in Tunisia, initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and Development of Expositions and CEPEX, has significantly supported trade exchanges with Sub-Saharan Africa. Over 700 enterprises have benefited from this assistance, with four effective export consortia generating nearly €30 million in revenue and creating 219 jobs in 2023. In parallel, around 20 active projects across the country, engaging over 170,000 people, have also contributed to promoting gender equality, particularly through women-led export consortia.

Germany's Commitment

Germany is pleased to support its African partners in this endeavor, with a financial commitment of €287 million for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and related trade projects in the region.

CEPEX's Strategy

Mourad Ben Hassine, CEO of CEPEX, highlighted his company's clear strategy to reinforce its presence in Sub-Saharan Africa through commercial representations, as exemplified by the CEPEX office in Nigeria, which is expected to multiply exports by 15 or more. He emphasized the importance of this continent, describing it as "dear" to their enterprise, and stressed the need to stimulate intra-African trade.

Qawafel Project

The Qawafel project, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) under the Commercial Capacity Building Program (PRCC), is an initiative aimed at promoting the internationalization of Tunisian startups and SMEs on the African continent. Implemented by Expertise France in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) and public and private actors, this 36-month project aims to foster job creation and inclusive economic development in Tunisia, while facilitating access to African markets, with a particular focus on Senegal, Mauritania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya.


This event was an opportunity to highlight the Franco-German cooperation and its commitment to supporting Tunisian enterprises in their internationalization and export processes towards Sub-Saharan Africa. It also emphasized the opportunities and specific challenges related to Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly the African Continental Free Trade Area.