TPR Proposes a Dividend of 0.400 TND per Share.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 30 April 2024

Tunisie Profilés Aluminium Reports Notable Financial Growth in 2023

During its meeting on April 22, 2024, the Board of Directors of Tunisie Profilés Aluminium "TPR" SA thoroughly examined the company's activity report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The financial results presented were the main topic of discussion, highlighting a significant evolution compared to the previous year.

In 2023, Tunisie Profilés Aluminium recorded an individual net result of 29.629 million Tunisian dinars (Mtnd), representing a 29% increase compared to the previous year, which stood at 22.881 Mtnd. Similarly, the consolidated net result for 2023 reached 41.345 Mtnd, a 43% increase compared to the 28.965 Mtnd recorded in 2022. These figures illustrate a notable financial growth of the company.

Following this analysis, the Board of Directors made two important decisions:

  • A proposal was made to the Ordinary General Assembly for the distribution of a dividend of 0.400 dinars per share. This measure aims to reward shareholders for their investment in the company and maintain a policy of returns to shareholders.
  • In a spirit of transparency and corporate governance, the Ordinary General Assembly is convened for Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at the Arab Institute of Business Leaders (Maison de l'Entreprise) at 15:00. This meeting will allow shareholders to actively participate in discussions and take part in important decisions concerning the company's future.