TIF 2024 Simplifying Procedures for New Investments in Tunisia.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 13 June 2024

Tunisia Investment Forum: A Hub for Sustainable Opportunities

The Tunisian capital hosted the 21st edition of the Tunisia Investment Forum on June 12-13, under the theme "Tunisia, where sustainability meets opportunity." Organized by the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy, this year's event featured a partnership with the European Union.

A Strategic Destination for Investors

During the official opening ceremony, Minister of Economy and Planning, Feryel Ouerghi, emphasized that the choice of theme was not coincidental. It was designed to explore the opportunities that Tunisia offers to investors, highlighting a business climate conducive to projects aligned with sustainable development. With its growing competencies in areas such as artificial intelligence and other innovative sectors, Tunisia presents itself as an attractive destination for new investments.

Diversifying the Economy

The minister noted that several projects and initiatives are primarily focused on renewable energy, infrastructure, and related sectors. This forum represents a crucial opportunity to boost foreign direct investment (FDI) in Tunisia, consolidating partnerships with investors and neighboring countries. "The strong participation in this event illustrates the mutual trust and commitment to exchanges and investment opportunities in the country," she stated.

Addressing Climate Change

Tunisia, like other countries, has not been spared by climate change. In response, the government is envisioning policies to consolidate the Tunisian economy, increase business competitiveness, and adaptability. The government is implementing sectoral strategies, primarily focusing on scientific research and innovation, opening up opportunities and valuing the skills of young talents. It is also working to accelerate the energy transition and mitigate the water stress caused by climate change.

Simplifying Administrative Procedures

The government is focusing on simplifying administrative procedures and improving specifications to encourage investment and diaspora participation. This includes a project to digitize the Tunisian administration.

National Investment Portal

During the event, the minister highlighted the ongoing development of a 100% digital national investment portal, in partnership with various actors. This portal aims to gather all services for investors, responding to their needs and facilitating the processing of their requests.

Tunisia's Strategic Position

Despite challenges, Tunisia has maintained its strategic position as a destination of choice for entrepreneurship and investment. Tunisian skills and talents, recognized internationally, have enabled the country to consolidate its resilience and position in international markets. Furthermore, "Tunisian SMEs have greatly contributed to the national economy, diversifying products and services and responding to local needs," she praised.

Key Initiatives

The Tunisian government is working on several key initiatives, including:

  • Establishing production and export bases for renewable energy, such as green hydrogen and solar energy.
  • Reinforcing production units for automotive and aeronautical components.
  • Developing the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices.
  • Digitally transforming agri-food systems, leveraging the potential of digital technologies and new technologies.