Minimum Guaranteed Income, Pensions for the Elderly, Legal Reforms… New Presidential Measures.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 07 June 2024

President Kais Saied Meets with Minister of Social Affairs Kamel Madouri

President Kais Saied held a meeting with Minister of Social Affairs Kamel Madouri to discuss a range of topics, including the adjustment of pensions for retirees in both the public and private sectors.

Key Takeaways

  • The President ordered the acceleration of the minimum wage increase.
  • He also instructed the increase of allowances for families in need and pensions for the elderly, which are paid by the National Social Security Fund (CNAM) as part of the occupational accident and disease compensation scheme.

Social Inequality and Poverty Reduction

While these new measures aim to reduce social inequalities and poverty, they must be complemented by other mechanisms and periodic increases. The ultimate goal is to ensure a dignified life for every citizen, a fundamental right, and to promote equal opportunities.

Revision of Labor Laws

Furthermore, the President called for a rapid revision of certain legal texts, including those related to social security and fixed-term employment contracts. He emphasized that these contracts constitute "a disguised form of slavery and human trafficking."