Prepare Your Interviews 5 How to Answer the Question "Why Do You Want to Work Here?"

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 19 July 2024

Why Do You Want to Work Here?

Often, recruiters ask a seemingly simple question that is actually one of the most difficult for candidates to answer: "Why do you want to work here?" This is why it's essential to prepare in advance.

This question forces you to focus on a specific response without any hints, context, or encouragement from the interviewer. It's a blank space, but that doesn't mean you can improvise and fill it with anything.

To overcome this challenge, three approaches are recommended:

1. Express Your Personal Passion for the Product, Service, or Mission

Recruiters want to know if you're passionate about what they do, whether it's a product, service, mission, or brand. You can also link your passion to the company's core values, often found on their website. This is particularly crucial if you're applying for a role in a non-profit organization.

2. Explain Why You'd Like to Take on the Responsibilities of the Job

It's up to you to clearly establish the link between work and pleasure, demonstrating your ability to work harder and longer. This connection is simple, but expressing how or why you enjoy it makes it even more valuable and memorable.

3. Describe How You See Yourself Succeeding in the Role

Your interviewer is not only recruiting you for what you are and can do today but also for what you can achieve in the future. After all, they're not just hiring you, they're investing in you. Express your confidence in your ability to succeed and grow in the role. The key is to describe how your previous experience has prepared you to be operational.

Preparing an answer to this question takes more time than others. If you have three job interviews in a week, you need to find separate arguments for each company. It's exhausting, but unemployment is even more so.