First Edition of the Tunisia Global Forum Mobilizing Diaspora Talents to Transform Tunisia

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 23 July 2024

Tunisia Global Forum: A Resounding Success

Today, the first edition of the Tunisia Global Forum took place, a major business event organized by the Association of Tunisians from Top Universities (Atuge). Focused on mobilizing talents and ecosystems of enterprises and innovation, this event brought together over 1,500 participants, representing more than 100 companies, startups, clusters, national and international institutions.

The forum unfolded in a dynamic exhibition space, featuring impactful plenary conferences, reflection workshops, inspiring talks, and B2B meetings generating opportunities. Notable participants included Nejia Gharbi, General Manager of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), Hélène Hammouda from the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), Mouna Ben Halima, CEO of Badira and former President of Atuge Tunisia, as well as Karim Beguir, Founder and CEO of InstaDeep.

In his speech, Karim Beguir highlighted the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the modern world, explaining the concept of the "triple exponential": an exponential growth in computing power, data quantity, and algorithmic efficiency. According to him, Tunisia must seize this technological opportunity by betting on innovation and rapidly adapting to this revolution. He announced the launch of "Project Tatooine", an initiative aiming to train 10,000 young talents in digital skills and AI over three years.

During the plenary session on diaspora mobilization, Samir Bouzidi, expert in the field and CEO of Impact Diaspora, pointed out a decline in remittances and visits from Tunisians abroad. He suggested that the lack of information, rather than financing, constitutes the main obstacle to better diaspora mobilization. To stimulate their economic engagement, it is essential to provide clear information and create specific opportunities, encouraging deeper sectoral and socioeconomic engagement.

In this context, Atuge is organizing the Diaspora Month from July 15 to August 15, 2024, as part of WATT (World Alliance of Tunisian Talents). This series of events aims to transform the vacation period of Tunisians worldwide into an opportunity to reconnect their skills networks with the future challenges and dynamics of Tunisia.