PetroAfrica 2024 will take place next June at the Kram.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 02 May 2024

PetroAfrica 2024 and Logistica Africa Expo 2024: A Global Platform for Energy and Logistics

June 25-28, 2024, at the Kram Exhibition Palace in Tunis

The Palais des expositions du Kram in Tunis will host two major events from June 25 to 28, 2024: PetroAfrica 2024, dedicated to the oil, gas, and renewable energy sectors, and Logistica Africa Expo 2024, focused on logistics and transportation.

Organized in partnership with the Tunisian Company of Petroleum Activities (Etap) and its Libyan counterpart, these events will revolve around alternative energies and clean technologies. According to Basma Hamaidi, spokesperson for the organizers, these themes are crucial for the future of the sector.

PetroAfrica 2024: A Global Gathering for the Energy Sector

PetroAfrica 2024 promises to bring together 160 exhibitors from diverse fields such as exploration, drilling, extraction, and associated services.

Logistica Africa Expo 2024: A Hub for Logistics and Transportation

Meanwhile, Logistica Africa Expo is expected to host 80 exhibitors specializing in transportation.

A Global Platform for International Businesses

These events will serve as an international platform for companies from Libya, France, Algeria, Italy, China, India, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, demonstrating the global reach of the event.

Expected Attendance: 3,000 to 4,000 Professional Visitors

The expected attendance is estimated to be between 3,000 and 4,000 professional visitors, making it a significant gathering for the energy and logistics industries.