Tunisia-France Partnership A Mutual Collaboration Relationship, According to the Ambassador.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 24 June 2024

50th Anniversary of the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Celebrating a Strong Strategic Partnership

The Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCITF) celebrated its 50th anniversary by hosting an awards ceremony, recognizing outstanding achievements in six categories:

  • French entrepreneur in Tunisia
  • Tunisian implantation in France
  • Best export performance
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Tunisian startup implanted in France
  • French startup implanted in Tunisia

The celebration was a moment of sharing and conviviality, reflecting the depth and richness of the strong strategic partnership between the two Mediterranean countries. During the evening, it was emphasized that this relationship is marked by constant commitment and a shared vision of prosperity and development.

Khelil Chaibi, President of the CCITF, opened the evening by highlighting the importance of the partnership between Tunisia and France, which continues to diversify and deepen. He thanked Anne Guéguen, the French Ambassador to Tunisia, for her solid support to the CCITF. He also saluted all the officials and guests present.

Chaibi paid tribute to all the leaders who have succeeded each other at the head of the CCITF, evoking their commitment and dedication. He mentioned the emblematic figures of the Chamber and their significant contribution to the edifice it represents today.

The modernization of services and the digitalization of CCITF's activities were also highlighted.

Finally, the President expressed his determination to strengthen the Chamber's position and deepen its transformation to meet the expectations of its members.

The French Ambassador to Tunisia took the floor to evoke the four essential dimensions of the relationship between France and Tunisia.

She emphasized the strong and durable economic relationship between the two nations and the prominent place of the CCITF in Tunisia, representing the community of French companies present in the country. With over 2000 members, the Chamber plays a crucial role in the ecosystem of economic diplomacy.

The CCITF closely collaborates with public institutions such as the French Embassy, Business France, and the AFD Group. This synergy is essential to defend the interests of members and propose improvements to the business climate.

Guéguen insisted on the importance of trade exchanges and mutual investments between France and Tunisia, as well as the potential for developing economic relations and cross-investments. She highlighted efforts to secure value chains and promote sustainable economy.

To conclude, the Ambassador focused on the need for professional training and higher education, key elements of human capital development, and consequently economic development, and noted the institution's commitment to these areas.