Novation City Launch of a New Open Innovation Program to Support 25 SMEs Based in Tunisia.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 10 June 2024

Novation City Launches New Open Innovation Program for Tunisian SMEs

Novation City has announced the launch of a new open innovation program aimed at selecting 25 SMEs based in Tunisia. A call for applications has been launched to identify SMEs of any size or revenue, with an innovation and digitalization strategy. "This is the second phase dedicated to Industry 4.0, with an open innovation program aimed at increasing the added value of products on the local market and digitalizing the Tunisian industry by supporting startups and made-in-Tunisia technologies," said Anas Rochdi, Innovation Director at Novation City.

Recall that as part of the dynamization of the mechatronics ecosystem and contribution to the development of a startup ecosystem, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry, "we launched in 2020 the first center of excellence for Industry 4.0 to support industrialists in their digital transformation and address the industrial stagnation that the country is experiencing."

Rochdi emphasized that there is no deadline for the program, meaning it's not a "first-come, first-served" basis.

The program's idea is to implement around 10 solutions or prototypes by strengthening collaborations between startups and industrialists. It offers not only financial assistance to SMEs but also technical assistance, such as developing roadmaps, specifications, and training programs in Industry 4.0, management 4.0, digital transformation, data science, and innovation.

In reality, Novation City has an incubator, Starti 4, launched in 2021. "It has enabled us to support 18 startups in the acceleration phase. These startups are developing solutions for international clients, including in Germany, France, the United States, and countries in the Maghreb region," he specified. And to add: "For open innovation, it's a financing of 10,000 euros with a 50% contribution from the company. Other company activities benefit from 80% financing for Industry 4.0 training and management 4.0 training."

The total budget allocated is approximately 2.5 million euros, or 8.4 million Tunisian dinars. The project duration is 2 years.