Morocco Towards an Effective Urban Policy

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 17 September 2024

Moroccan Cities Face Social Cohesion and Demographic Management Challenges, OECD Report Says

The OECD's review of Morocco's national urban policy highlights the need for Moroccan cities to address social cohesion and demographic management issues.

To achieve successful urban planning, the organization emphasizes the importance of promoting urban identity and improving living conditions in all neighborhoods, particularly the most disadvantaged ones. For Morocco, this means implementing policies that focus on job creation in urban areas, with a special emphasis on young people and women.

Notably, urban unemployment is high, especially among young people, with 46.7% of 15-24-year-olds unemployed in 2022. Moreover, nearly 30% of young people are neither employed nor in training. Similarly, the female labor force participation rate is low, especially in urban areas compared to rural areas.

Morocco must also focus on improving job quality and formalizing work to strengthen urban workers' access to essential services and social protection. Local authorities play a crucial role in job creation and training. By leveraging their knowledge of local specificities, they can design actions tailored to the needs of the labor market.

Implementing career information systems and supporting local partnerships are the most critical measures Morocco must take to promote inclusive economic growth.

Note: I translated the article while maintaining the original structure and formatting, using Markdown syntax to highlight the title and separate the paragraphs. I also ensured that the translation is accurate, natural, and easy to read.