ESG Standards Boost Tunisian Companies' Competitiveness and Foster Their Internationalization.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 10 May 2024

African ESG Summit: Mazen Al Kassem Addresses Challenges and Opportunities for Tunisian SMEs

During the first edition of the African ESG Summit on May 9, Mazen Al Kassem, head of the Qawafel project, discussed the current challenges and initiatives aimed at strengthening the country's entrepreneurial fabric. His speech, focused on the implications of surcost for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and internationalization strategies, provided a crucial insight into the country's economic situation and measures taken to promote its competitiveness.

Fragility of Tunisian Enterprises

Al Kassem first highlighted the fragility of Tunisian enterprises, emphasizing their increased vulnerability to the current surcost, which could disrupt their supply chain. This situation raises essential questions about its impact on competitiveness at the African level.

Supporting SMEs for Competitiveness

Particular attention was given to the importance of regularly supporting SMEs to preserve their competitiveness. The head of the Qawafel project stressed the urgency for Tunisian enterprises to adopt international standards, especially in a common market where these standards are not yet fully established.

Ambitious Project for Internationalization

In this perspective, an ambitious project was presented, funded by the French Development Agency and implemented by French experts, aiming to promote the internationalization of Tunisian enterprises on the African continent. Spanning three years, this project aims to work closely with the Tunisian government and private sector to establish business-friendly reforms, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards.

Selection Criteria and ESG Policy

The intervention also highlighted the selection criteria for beneficiary enterprises, emphasizing the importance of an ESG policy and training to ensure effective implementation of commitments. Qualitative indicators were identified to evaluate the impact of enterprises on areas such as gender equality, decent work, and climate change mitigation.