Egypt Invests 250 Million Dollars to Produce Highly Concentrated Phosphates.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 12 June 2024

Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority, East Gas Company, and Imex International Sign Agreement to Boost Phosphate Ore Value

The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority, East Gas Company, and Imex International have signed a protocol agreement to establish a company that will increase the value of low-concentration phosphate ore. The authorities in Cairo want to accelerate the project due to its importance and the need to maximize added value in the local economy.

New Technology to Enhance Phosphate Concentration

The new company will utilize cutting-edge technology that chemically enhances phosphate concentration. This technology will increase the concentration of phosphate raw materials to levels exceeding 37%. The highly concentrated ore will be marketed worldwide, particularly to manufacturers of phosphoric acid and compound fertilizers.

GetMoreP Technology: A Game-Changer

The technology, known as GetMoreP, is owned by Pryon and was preferred over other methods, such as foam flotation, due to its low water consumption and ability to produce high-quality phosphorus pentoxide.

Energy Self-Sufficiency

Another key aspect of the project is its energy self-sufficiency, as it will produce steam and electricity from a sulfuric acid unit that will generate the necessary sulfuric acid by burning sulfur.

Production Capacity and Investment

The new company will have a production capacity of one million tons of raw materials per year, with a total investment cost of $250 million.

Egypt Emerges as a Key Player in the Phosphate Sector

Egypt is now a new player in a sector where Tunisia has been lagging behind. With our natural resources, human resources, and infrastructure, it's time to put an end to the social blockade that has persisted for too long.