Solo travel will be popular this summer! Here are the 5 trends according to Pinterest.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 14 June 2024

Pinterest: The Ultimate Travel Planning Platform

Pinterest is more than just a source of inspiration. The platform is packed with practical information and tips to help you plan your trip from A to Z.

Whether you dream of exotic beaches or local destinations, Pinterest is overflowing with ideas for unforgettable getaways. In 2023, the platform recorded over 1 billion travel-related searches and over 10 billion saves on destination boards, proving its central role in travel planning.

Here are the top 5 travel trends for summer 2024 according to Pinterest's report:

Wellness Travel

In search of serenity and self-reconnection, travelers are turning to peaceful destinations that promote relaxation. Goodbye crowded cities, hello yoga retreats in India, meditation stays in nature, or hiking trips in national parks. Searches for peaceful destinations and calm places have increased by 50% and 42%, respectively.

Adventure Travel

For those seeking thrills and an adrenaline rush, adventure travel is becoming increasingly popular. Luxury safaris in Tanzania, scuba diving in the Philippines, alpine climbing in the Alps, or wilderness camping in the American great outdoors – the possibilities are endless. Searches for adventure activities have skyrocketed by 45% since the pandemic.

Solo Travel

Solo travel continues to gain popularity, particularly among young adults seeking self-discovery and unique experiences. Searches for solo travel have increased by 35% in 2024. Solo travelers prefer destinations that allow for contemplation and introspection, such as Japan or the English countryside.

Gen Z and Road Trips

For Gen Z, road trips are the ultimate travel experience. Synonymous with adventure on a budget and authentic experiences, road trips with friends create unforgettable memories. Pinterest searches show a 250% increase in comfortable road trip outfits and a 66% increase in essential items to pack. Jasper, Canada, stands out as the preferred destination for this generation, with a 155% increase in searches.

Mysterious Destinations

The allure of mysterious and enigmatic places is on the rise. Searches for secret and unusual spots have increased by 40%, attracting travelers seeking spiritual adventures and out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Machu Picchu, Easter Island, and Edinburgh are among the destinations that spark the most interest.

For more details, visit the Pinterest website.