The Tunisian government offers tax benefits to the diaspora.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 28 May 2024

Head of Government Ahmed Hachani Presides Over Council of Ministers Meeting

The Head of Government, Ahmed Hachani, chaired the Council of Ministers meeting on Monday, May 27, at the Government Palace in Kasbah.

The council examined the draft decree establishing tax benefits for Tunisians residing abroad (FCR), as well as the conditions and procedures for granting them. The draft decree proposes provisions to harmonize tax benefits with recent amendments to the Customs Code and Decree 197, related to tax benefits for Tunisians residing abroad.

The decree also provides for the inclusion of hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles among the types of vehicles exempt from taxes, meeting the expectations of Tunisians residing abroad and aligning with technological advancements favoring alternative and clean energy.