The "Seeds4Tomorrow" Project Demo Day Celebrated with Success in El Ghazela.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 30 April 2024

Seeds4Tomorrow Demo Day: Celebrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Tunisian Youth

The Techno Park Congress Center was the venue for the remarkable event, Demo Day of the "Seeds4Tomorrow" project, funded by the European Union through Expertise France and implemented by Graines d'Entrepreneurs. The project aims to promote entrepreneurial culture among adolescents in Béja and Kef. This event brought together 80 children who benefited from the entrepreneurial training program, their parents, friends, and representatives of key partners, celebrating innovation, entrepreneurship, and the potential of young Tunisians.

The day began with opening speeches by Mrs. Sana Ksouri, founder and executive director of Graines d'Entrepreneurs, and Mr. Ahcène Gheroufella, program director of Innov'i – Greenovi at Expertise France, as well as representatives of project partners. These words of encouragement set the tone for a day filled with sharing experiences, learning, and inspiration.

The event's highlights included a series of captivating panels. The trainers' panel offered a platform for trainers to share their experiences, while the "director" panel gave voice to Madame Neila Djebbi, director of Ibn Mandhour Mzara High School in Béja, who testified to the transformative impact of the program on young minds. The "seeds" panel allowed four program beneficiaries to share their personal experiences, highlighting the positive impacts of the program on their personal and professional development.

The distinguished presence of Her Excellency Madame Anne Guéguen, Ambassador of France to Tunisia, added an extra dimension to the event. Her warm welcome emphasized the importance of initiatives like "Seeds4Tomorrow" and praised Graines d'Entrepreneurs' commitment to the future of young Tunisians.

An exciting part of the day was the final phase of the Demo Day Seeds4Tomorrow competition, where six finalists presented their projects to an enthusiastic audience and attentive jury. The winners, Ranime Majed for the Kef region and Tasnim Hasnaoui for Béja, were rewarded for their creativity, innovation, and exceptional entrepreneurial spirit.

In addition to the inspiring pitches, ten other "seeds" had the opportunity to showcase their projects during the coffee break, highlighting the diversity and dynamism of the entrepreneurship among young project beneficiaries.

The day concluded with a moving ceremony of certificate distribution, symbolizing the journey accomplished by each "seed" participating in "Seeds4Tomorrow".

In summary, the Demo Day of the "Seeds4Tomorrow" project was more than just an event; it was a celebration of innovation, entrepreneurship, and hope for the future of Tunisian youth. Thanks to initiatives like "Seeds4Tomorrow", Graines d'Entrepreneurs continues to play a vital role in creating a prosperous and inspiring future for Tunisian youth.