Upcoming Tax Deadlines: Key Dates to Remember for Businesses and Individuals
As February advances, businesses and taxpayers must prepare to meet several critical tax deadlines. This fiscal agenda highlights the key dates to remember to avoid delays or penalties.
February 5: Deadline for Vehicle Sticker Payments
Companies must settle their vehicle sticker payments, excluding those leased or acquired through Ijara contracts. Failure to pay on time may result in surcharges and penalties, making this deadline unavoidable for affected businesses.
February 17: Monthly Declaration for Individuals
Self-employed individuals and taxpayers subject to income tax must submit their monthly declarations before this date.
February 20: Declaration for Corporate Entities Using E-Payment
Businesses utilizing the e-payment and e-declaration system must transmit their tax declarations by February 20 at the latest. This streamlined process helps avoid queues and administrative overload.
February 25: Annual Income Tax Declaration
Individuals receiving income from movable assets, securities, rental income, or foreign sources must submit their annual tax declarations before this deadline.
February 25: Deadline for Capital Gains Declaration
Additionally, February 25 marks the final deadline for declaring capital gains realized from the sale of shares, social shares, or non-attached fund units.
February 28: Monthly Declaration for Non-E-Payment Businesses
Companies not yet registered for the e-declaration system must submit their tax declarations before the end of the month.
Remember to mark these dates in your calendar to avoid any potential penalties or delays!