AFI accelerates the green transition with photovoltaic installations and new services for industrial zones.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 24 May 2024

The Industrial Land Agency (AFI) Organizes a Conference on the Challenges of Decarbonizing Tunisian Industry

The Industrial Land Agency (AFI) organized a conference on the theme "The Challenges of Decarbonizing Tunisian Industry: Towards Smart and Decarbonized Industrial Zones" on Friday, May 24. The discussions focused on the challenges that Tunisian industry must overcome to transition to a decarbonized economy, as well as the government policies and initiatives in place to support this transition.

The objective is to understand the key challenges and emerging opportunities, while exploring the strategic measures deployed by the state and the role of industrial zones in this context.

Kais Mejri, CEO of the Industrial Land Agency (AFI), began by recalling the initial objective of the AFI, created 50 years ago, which was to offer well-equipped industrial zones with all necessary amenities. These infrastructures were designed to enable companies to set up and thrive, improving their competitiveness to better sell and export their products. However, the requirements of investors and companies have significantly evolved.

"At the beginning, the objective was to offer a well-organized and adapted framework for industries to improve the competitiveness of Tunisian companies. Today, this basic offer is no longer sufficient," he declared.

With the evolution of industrial needs and increased international competition, the AFI must now offer much more than basic amenities such as electricity and internet connectivity. Investors are seeking sites that integrate fiber optics and enable low carbon consumption, essential for international competitiveness and compliance with environmental standards.

"We must follow what is happening internationally, particularly the carbon adjustment measures at the border that will come into effect in 2027," Mejri emphasized, highlighting the importance of preparing Tunisian companies for these new requirements.

Towards Ecological and Sustainable Industrial Zones

The AFI has undertaken initiatives to make industrial zones more ecological and sustainable. These initiatives include reducing energy consumption through photovoltaic installations and sharing services to decrease carbon footprint. Furthermore, the AFI has implemented a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy aimed at raising awareness and guiding companies towards more sustainable practices.

"We are working on integrated and ecological industrial zone projects. We have already started a program to plant 50,000 trees around and within industrial zones," Mejri announced, demonstrating the AFI's commitment to combating climate change.

The AFI's initiative is not only a step towards a greener and more sustainable future but also a crucial strategy to attract international investments and support Tunisian companies in their development and competitiveness on global markets.