Tunisia Ranks 115th in the Global Gender Gap Index

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 12 June 2024

Global Gender Gap Report 2024: Progress Towards Equality Remains Slow

The World Economic Forum has released its latest report, indicating that while gender inequalities are decreasing, the pace of progress has slowed. According to estimates, it will take 134 years, or five generations, to close the gap between men and women globally, up from 131 years in 2023. However, this year's super electoral cycle could reduce this gap by increasing women's representation in politics.

The 18th Edition of the Report

The report proposes an annual index designed to measure gender equality, evaluating gaps in four areas: economic participation and opportunities, education, health and survival, and political empowerment. The global gender gap now stands at 68.5%, a 10-point improvement from last year, mainly due to modest progress in economic participation and opportunities.

Political Participation: A Key Area for Improvement

Political participation has been identified as an area where the imbalance is stark, despite modest progress. However, with nearly half of the global population having the right to vote in a large number of elections this year, it is also seen as an area with high potential. This could happen both at the highest level, with more leadership positions for women, and through policies designed to support and empower women.

Country Rankings

Iceland has been ranked as the most equal country in the world for the 15th consecutive year, with the only country to have closed 93.5% of its gender gap. It is followed in the top 10 by Finland, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Nicaragua, Germany, Namibia, Ireland, and Spain. Although no country has yet achieved total parity, the top 10 countries have closed at least 80% of their gender gap.

Regional Rankings

Europe remains at the top regionally, with a parity score of 75%, slightly ahead of North America, where 74.8% of the gap has been closed. Latin America, which ranks third with a score of 74.2%, has seen the largest improvement of all regions since the index was created. East Asia and the Pacific, with a score of 69.2%, are slightly ahead of Central Asia (69.1%), Sub-Saharan Africa (68.4%), and South Asia (63.7%). The Middle East and North Africa rank last, with a score of 61.7%.

Tunisia's Progress

Tunisia has ranked 115th globally, with a score of 0.668, progressing 13 places from 2022. This means that we have reduced inequalities by 66.8%. We are ranked second in the Arab world, behind the United Arab Emirates, which ranks 74th globally, with a score of 0.713.