The Arts and Culture Foundation by UIB Active Support for Cultural Life Animation

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 06 July 2024

The UIB Arts & Culture Foundation Confirms its Commitment to Cultural Events

The UIB Arts & Culture Foundation reaffirms its commitment to supporting cultural events that showcase Tunisia's rich cultural heritage and promote its image as a culturally rich and open country.

International Festival of Dougga

From June 29 to July 10, 2024, the International Festival of Dougga will take place within the magnificent archaeological site of Dougga, highlighting Tunisia's cultural wealth through an eclectic program of artistic and musical events.

International Festival of Symphonic Music of El Jem

From July 13 to August 17, 2024, the International Festival of Symphonic Music of El Jem will bring together the world's most prestigious symphony orchestras at the iconic Roman amphitheater of El Jem.

"Yalla Nghanni" Soirées

The three "Yalla Nghanni" soirées will take place on July 10 and August 13 at the Foll'Amour Gammarth, and on August 27 at the Carthage Amphitheater. This artistic concept combines music and interactive public performance, offering an immersive and multidimensional experience. "Yalla Nghanni" or "Let's Sing" is more than just a musical show; it's a living celebration of music, designed to captivate and inspire those who attend.

Franco-Tunisian Festival

On July 12, 2024, the Franco-Tunisian Festival will take place in the Gardens of the French Residence in La Marsa. This festival aims to highlight the cultural ties between our two countries and promote intercultural dialogue through art and creativity.

Each of these summer events is a celebration of art, music, and cultural diversity. The UIB Arts & Culture Foundation, which supports these initiatives, is convinced that they will meet the expectations of citizens and contribute to the radiance of Tunisia in all its glory.