Cooperation China and Egypt Shift into High Gear.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 31 May 2024

Egypt and China Strengthen Bilateral Relations

Following the 10th Ministerial Conference of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum, Egypt and China are poised to reinforce and develop bilateral relations, giving a new impetus to their partnership. The two countries have signed bilateral cooperation agreements in various fields, including the promotion of cooperation under the "Belt and Road" Initiative, scientific and technological innovation, investment, economic cooperation, and quarantine management.

A Long-Standing Relationship

As noted by Xi Jinping, 68 years ago, Egypt was the first Arab and African country to establish diplomatic relations with China, as stated in the joint communiqué. Xi Jinping encouraged the implementation of several initiatives to strengthen Sino-Egyptian relations, including efforts to organize the "China-Egypt Partnership Year 2024". He cited the example of the Luban Workshop and proposed introducing it in Egypt. This program, named after the legendary Chinese master craftsman Lu Ban, aims to provide vocational training to young people from African countries.

Deepening Mutual Trust

"The China is willing to work with Egypt to deepen mutual trust, advance cooperation, build a shared future China-Egypt community in the new era, and contribute to peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region and the world," declared Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Attracting Chinese Investment

Egypt aims to attract more Chinese companies to invest in the country and "contribute to the development of the manufacturing industry and the industrialization process in the country", particularly in areas such as information and communications, artificial intelligence, new energy, food security, and finance.