The EBRD invests 40 million dollars in SMEs of 3 North African countries.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 27 June 2024

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Support Medium-Sized Enterprises in Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering supporting medium-sized enterprises in Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco by investing up to $40 million in the SPE PEF III fund managed by SPE Capital.

This fund aims to generate long-term profits by investing in established businesses in these three North African countries, with the possibility of also investing in certain sub-Saharan African countries.

The idea is to strengthen the stability of local financial markets and improve the competitiveness of businesses by offering a new source of financing through private equity investment. This will also diversify the financing options available to support business growth.

Targeted Sectors

The PEF III fund plans to invest in 8 to 12 companies in key sectors such as manufacturing, business services, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and private education, all of which have high growth potential.

SPE Capital, a major player in fund management in Africa, has already invested nearly $500 million in over 15 companies across the continent, demonstrating its ability to mobilize significant resources to support regional economic development.

Source: TAP