Telemedicine in Tunisia What You Need to Know About the New Policy

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 18 June 2024

Two New Regulations on Telemedicine Published in the Official Journal

Two new regulations from the Minister of Health have been recently published in the Official Journal. The first regulation defines the specific conditions for practicing telemedicine in each specialty.

Telemedicine Consultations: Conditions and Limitations

Except for teleradiology, medical consultations at a distance are only possible for patients who have already been examined in person by the doctor. However, an exception can be made, particularly for foreign patients or certain diseases, according to Article 3 of this ministerial decision. Moreover, the doctor or dentist must decide whether a teleconsultation is appropriate based on the patient's condition. If the patient's condition does not allow for an effective consultation, it must be excluded. Medical certificates cannot be issued remotely.

Role of Healthcare Professionals in Teleconsultations

According to Article 5, a qualified healthcare professional can assist the patient during the teleconsultation if the patient has difficulties communicating or using computer tools, or if a physical examination is necessary. This professional must identify themselves and respect the confidentiality of the exchanges.

Refusal of Teleconsultation and Alternative Care

If the doctor or dentist decides that a teleconsultation is not appropriate, they must indicate this in the patient's medical file and propose alternative care after obtaining the patient's agreement.

Secure Transmission of Medical Documents

Prescriptions and other medical documents must be sent securely to the patient or their legal representative and stored in the patient's electronic medical file.

Secure Transmission of Medical Reports

The medical report can be sent securely to the treating physician and other designated healthcare professionals chosen by the patient.

Regulations for Telemedicine Platforms and Projects

The second decree lists the necessary documents required to request authorization to install a telemedicine platform or practice telemedicine as part of a medical cooperation project.