Green Growth Summit - Panel Future Jobs Only the Green Economy Has the Power to Transform Employment Prospects in Africa.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 06 May 2024

Unlocking the Power of the Green Economy: Creating the Jobs of the Future

A particular panel stood out at the Green Growth Summit 2024, held on April 30th in Tunis and organized by 'Hivos - People Unlimited' (an organization promoting inclusion and sustainability). Why? Because it tackled the green economy through the lens of job creation, a pressing concern in Africa, including Tunisia.

Experts Weigh In

Five experts took turns dissecting the facets of the panel, labeled "Ecosystems Transformed: Unlocking the Green Economy's Power to Create the Jobs of the Future." They sought to answer a crucial question: How can the green economy stimulate job creation and economic growth in Tunisia, and what is the potential of sustainable industries?

Startups: The Key to Innovation

Faten Aisdi (Flat6Labs) went straight to the heart of the challenge: transforming ecosystems. She emphasized the need for startups capable of innovation, citing examples like Maximotors and Bako motors, which create highly innovative solutions and think about circular economy. However, she stressed that more startups are needed, particularly in water management, as African countries, including Tunisia, face water scarcity issues every summer.

Minimizing Risks and Sharing Knowledge

Zeineb Fakhfakh (Impact Partner) addressed the issue from the perspective of an organization providing financial support to SMEs and startups. She highlighted the importance of technical and financial support for the success and development of startups, especially green ones. Impact Partner offers a range of support, from philanthropy to guarantees, credits, impact investments, and government incentives.

Education: A Key to Success

Lamia Cheffai (Education for Employment–EFE) emphasized the importance of education in achieving this transition. She stressed the need to diversify investment portfolios and "de-risk" investments in various enterprises.

Green Alliance: Individuals, SMEs, and Microenterprises

Fatma Midani (Soul and Planet) shared her experience managing a B2C marketplace selling healthy and eco-friendly products. She recalled facing challenges as a business leader and eventually shifted her focus to B2B, creating a platform for companies to find green solutions.

A Mix of Green and Digital Economy

Aslan Berjeb (Conect) shed light on the capacity of the green economy to stimulate job creation and growth. He emphasized the need for a mix between the green economy and digital economy to develop green opportunities. Conect encourages its members to develop their experience in critical jobs for this fusion of green and digital.

The panelists' insights highlighted the importance of innovation, education, and collaboration in unlocking the power of the green economy to create the jobs of the future.