Gallup Only 9% of Tunisian Employees Are Engaged in Their Jobs!

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 19 June 2024

Global Workplace Report: Employee Engagement Remains a Challenge

In 2023, the majority of employees worldwide continue to face difficulties at work and in their personal lives, directly impacting organizational productivity, according to Gallup Organization's latest "State of the Global Workplace" report.

Economic Consequences

Gallup estimates that low employee engagement costs the global economy a staggering 8.9 trillion US dollars, equivalent to 9% of the global GDP.

Loneliness at Work

The report reveals that one in five employees reported feeling lonely the previous day. This phenomenon is more prevalent among employees under 35 years old. Notably, employees working entirely remotely reported higher levels of loneliness (25%) compared to those working entirely on-site (16%).

Tunisia's Engagement Crisis

In Tunisia, only 9% of employees are engaged in their jobs, a lower rate compared to neighboring countries: Libya (17%), Algeria (11%), and Morocco (14%). Tunisia ranks 15th in the MENA region, with only Lebanon (16th) and Egypt (17th) ranking lower. It's worth noting that Egypt and Lebanon are experiencing higher inflation rates, which may also affect employee engagement in these countries.

Job Market Sentiment

Regarding the work climate, only 11% of Tunisians believe it's a good time to find a job in their city or region. In contrast, 55% of Libyans, 35% of Moroccans, and 24% of Algerians hold this view. The only country ranking lower than Tunisia is Lebanon, where only 6% of respondents think it's a good time to find a job in their area.

Job Search

The report also reveals that almost half (49%) of Tunisians are actively looking for a new job.