France and Tunisia Towards a Winning Industrial Collaboration.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 18 June 2024

Industrial Co-Development Forum: Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean Value Chains

During the 3rd Industrial Co-Development Forum, we had the opportunity to speak with Michel Bauza, Director of Business France for North Africa. The forum aimed to discuss value chains between Europe and the Mediterranean for the future.

Rethinking Value Chains

Michel Bauza explains that we are at a critical moment where we need to rethink value chains. The idea is to bring industries closer to major markets to reduce distances.

"In this context, Tunisia, France, Africa, and Europe play a key role," he affirms. Tunisia, with its developed industrial fabric since 1976, and Europe, with its industries and markets, present a unique opportunity for collaboration.

Co-Development Strategies

The goal is to establish co-development strategies between France and Tunisia. Michel Bauza emphasizes the importance of sharing ideas, comparing practices, and finding solutions together. He announces: "Many projects aim to help the Tunisian industry improve its standards to meet the expectations of European and African markets."

Joint Industrial Strategy for 2035

Tunisia has implemented an industrial strategy for 2035, focused on decarbonization, human capital, and Industry 4.0. In parallel, France is developing a plan for 2030, focused on the knowledge economy, innovation, and decarbonization. "These two strategies complement each other perfectly, paving the way for enhanced cooperation," he declares. And he continues: "This cooperation is essential for integrating and strengthening Euro-Mediterranean value chains."

A Shared Vision for the Future

"In conclusion, this forum has shown how important it is for France and Tunisia to work together. This collaboration can improve industrial competitiveness and contribute to a more sustainable and innovative economy for the entire Euro-Mediterranean region," he concludes.