E-CNAM is now available.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 01 June 2024

Ministry of Communication Technologies Announces New Measure for Secure Access to Social Security Services

The Ministry of Communication Technologies announced a new measure on May 31st. Subscribers to the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) with a digital identity can now access the social security space via the E-CNAM platform. This platform provides simplified and secure access.

The digital identity "EHouwiya" is used as an additional mechanism to access the centre.e-cnam.tn website.

The available services include:

  • Tracking of files
  • Extraction of payment receipts
  • Electronic submission of documents
  • Change of healthcare regimes
  • Change of family doctor
  • Download of coverage decisions
  • Location of healthcare service providers

This measure stems from Circular No. 03 of the Head of Government dated January 19, 2024. It aims to develop electronic administrative services and adopt digital identity for unified access. This eliminates the need for citizens to memorize multiple usernames and passwords.