External Debt Tunisia Among 15 African Countries with the Worst Debt Service Ratios

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 27 June 2024

Tunisia's External Debt Service Ratio Raises Concerns

With an external debt service-to-public revenue ratio of 30.9%, Tunisia ranks among the 15 African countries with the highest ratios in this domain, according to the report titled "Financing Africa: where is the money?".

This alarming figure highlights the significant impact of debt service on available public resources for necessary investments in other key sectors, such as healthcare and education.

According to the same report by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Tunisia finds itself in a worrying financial situation, alongside other countries like Angola (62.7%), Zambia (42.2%), Egypt (39.9%), Djibouti (38.9%), and Benin (27.7%).

Between 2019 and 2021, this significant debt burden forced 25 African countries, including Tunisia, to allocate more public resources to paying net interest on debt than to essential sectors like healthcare.

This situation sheds light on the major challenges these countries face in balancing their financial obligations and the fundamental needs of their populations.