MAE Insurance Joint Statement by Euresa Members

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 08 May 2024

Facing Climate Challenges, MAE Assurances Mobilizes with European and Mediterranean Mutualist and Cooperative Insurers for an Ecological and Social Transition

Following a seminar on climate change organized at Aéma Groupe's premises in Paris, the mutualist and cooperative insurance companies of Euresa adopted the following declaration:

Together, We Assume Responsibility for Shaping a More Just and Sustainable Society for Future Generations

In the face of multiplying challenges, where societal, economic, and environmental issues are crucial, we, European and Mediterranean mutualist and cooperative insurers, believe it is essential to link the challenges we face to the development of future models.

The increasing frequency and intensity of climate events, combined with inflation and health and access to care challenges in aging societies, generate new risks in terms of insurability. Global economic losses due to natural disasters reached $291 billion in 2023 ($109 billion in Europe), with $174 billion in uninsured damages. The amount of insured losses worldwide is $108 billion, a figure that could double over the next decade. These repercussions directly affect policyholders and insurers, who question their ability to cover certain risks and the relevance of doing so for others: a risk that becomes almost certain ceases to be a risk.

As these fundamental principles are called into question by the issue of insurability and the possible uses of new technologies such as artificial intelligence to segment risks, it is imperative to reaffirm the fundamental role of insurance as a protective shield against life's uncertainties and a catalyst for solidarity.

As mutualist and cooperative actors, our values commit us. Moreover, we believe they constitute effective levers to address the challenges mentioned above:

  • Governance: Our governance, based on transparency and democratic participation, is the pillar of our commitment to our members and society as a whole. We believe in responsible management, where decisions are made in an informed and collective manner, reflecting our desire to work for the common good.
  • Tarification: Our pricing is designed not only for better risk mutualization but also to preserve our policyholders' purchasing power. We are aware of the economic challenges our members face, which is why we strive to maintain fair and accessible rates while ensuring adequate protection against risks for the greatest number.
  • Investments: Our investments are oriented towards decarbonizing the economy and promoting Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER). We firmly believe that sustainability is the key to the future, and that's why we commit to supporting initiatives and projects that contribute to the transition towards a more responsible economy.
  • Prevention: We also commit to promoting prevention at all levels, whether it's preventing health risks, property security, or environmental risks. We believe in a proactive approach that aims to identify and mitigate risks before they materialize, preserving insurability and contributing to the protection and well-being of our members and society as a whole.
  • Ethics: Finally, we attach primary importance to ethics in all our activities, particularly in the use of data and the development of artificial intelligence. We consider AI a powerful tool that can reinforce risk mutualization and improve the quality of services we offer, while guaranteeing respect for privacy and fundamental ethical values.

In a spirit of collaboration and open dialogue, we call on all actors, whether from the private or public sector, to mobilize to strengthen the resilience of our insurance system. Reinsurance mechanisms will play a crucial role in stabilizing the financial sector, while authorities must intensify their efforts in risk management and disaster prevention.

Together, Cultivating Solidarity and Fidelity to Our Values

We are determined to build a future where insurance is a pillar of stability and inclusion, contributing to the flourishing of each individual in a more solidary and resilient society.

MAE Assurances, a Tunisian Insurance Company Committed to Serving the General Interest

MAE Assurances, the first Tunisian human, solidarity-based, and social insurance company, renews its commitment to serving the general interest for its community and country by making environmental protection and climate risk prevention a key axis of its strategy, ensuring that human beings remain at the center of our concerns.


Euresa is an innovation-focused business club that brings together 17 mutualist and cooperative insurance companies in Europe and the Mediterranean region: Aéma Groupe (France), DEVK (Germany), Ethias (Belgium), Inter Mutuelles Assistance (France), KÖBE (Hungary), Lagun Aro (Spain), LB Forsikring (Denmark), MAE (Tunisia), MAIF (France), Mamda-Mcma (Morocco), Matmut (France), Groupe P&V (Belgium), Syneteristiki (Greece), TUW 'TUW' (Poland), Unipol Gruppo (Italy), Univé (Netherlands), Vaudoise Assurances (Switzerland).