CREACT4MED over 2 million euros allocated to support the creative economy in the Mediterranean.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 09 July 2024

Cultural and Creative Industries: A Market with Vast Potential

The cultural and creative industries (CCI) continue to distinguish themselves as a market with vast potential. According to Dr. Nicolas Ozor, Executive Director of the African Network of Technology Policy Studies, these industries generate a global revenue of $2.3 trillion and provide employment to 30 million people. Despite this, Africa struggles to make an impact, contributing only $4.2 billion and 2.4 million jobs on the continent.

Since its launch, CREACT4MED, an acronym for "CReative Entrepreneurs ACTing FOR the future MEDiterranean", has been actively supporting creative entrepreneurs, particularly women and youth. It has brought together a community of over 1,600 creative minds across the Mediterranean region. Eight countries in the southern Mediterranean region have benefited from its actions, with direct financial support provided to entrepreneurs and business incubators in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Over the past four years, the project has funded cultural and creative initiatives while launching training programs to enhance the skills of new entrepreneurs. More than 400 entrepreneurs have benefited from these trainings, while 23 startups and 148 entrepreneurs have received financial support, creating over 140 jobs and strengthening regional cooperation.

After four years of implementation, the project is coming to an end! Launched on March 1, 2020, it will conclude on August 31, 2024. To celebrate its achievements, the closing event "Forging Future Paths for Creativity and Culture" will take place on July 10-11, 2024, at Sant Pau Recinte Moderniste in Barcelona, as well as online, offering an opportunity for exchange and networking among stakeholders.

Co-organized by the Association of Euro-Mediterranean Economists (EMEA) and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), this event marks the end of four years of intense work and collaboration in the cultural and creative industries in the Mediterranean. Maria Ruiz de Cossío, senior project manager of EMEA and coordinator of the CREACT4MED project, highlights that this event is a key opportunity to share experiences and strengthen cooperation networks between Mediterranean countries.

Credit photo: CREACT4MED.

Professor Rym Ayadi, president and founder of EMEA and director of the CREACT4MED project, emphasizes the crucial role played by the project in strengthening the cultural and creative industries in the Mediterranean. "We have offered real opportunities to women and youth, stimulating entrepreneurship, value creation, and job creation," she notes.

In fact, a field survey on the cultural and creative ecosystem was conducted, leading to the creation of detailed reports and policy recommendations. This ambitious project aims to stimulate economic growth, promote cultural diversity, and encourage intercultural dialogue.

The project has also succeeded in mobilizing collective intelligence among numerous regional and international partners, including: the Association of Euro-Mediterranean Economists (EMEA) (Coordinator), the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED), and Redstart Tunisia, the Mediterranean Confederation for Development (MED Confederation), Beyond Group, Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA Università), and the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME).

CREACT4MED has acted as a true catalyst to dynamize the cultural and creative industries in the Mediterranean region. A total budget of €2,220,675 was allocated, 90% of which was funded by the European Union.

To register for the closing event, please visit:–6oSGRYWRW71eNAgYmgL. The agenda is available here: