How to Rethink Our Economic Models for a Sustainable Future

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 08 June 2024

The Obsolete Economic Model: A Call to Action for a New Era of Innovation and Sustainability

The conference organized by the Centre de Jeunes Dirigeants (CJD) on June 7, led by economist Philippe Dessertine, shed light on the flaws of the current economic model, deemed outdated and unsuitable for the needs of contemporary humanity. The model's negative impact on the environment and its inability to respond to the aspirations of current populations render it an obsolete system.

Dessertine advocates for a radical change, calling for the creation of a new value system centered on scientific and technological innovation. This innovative approach would transform value chains and redefine the perception of economic value.

The transition to this new economic model requires close collaboration between businesses of all sizes and geographic locations. Communication and information sharing become key elements in achieving this change. The integration of scientific innovation is also essential for businesses to overcome current challenges and meet consumer expectations.

Rethinking Growth

Dessertine questions the current notion of growth, often associated with excessive consumption and harmful environmental consequences. He advocates for a new form of growth, inclusive and sustainable, allowing poor countries to enrich themselves without generating harmful consumption.

Measuring Well-being Differently

Dessertine proposes breaking away from material consumption indicators, such as the number of hamburgers consumed, to prioritize human well-being criteria, such as life expectancy. He cites the example of Tunisia, which, despite having a high life expectancy compared to many developing countries, faces similar challenges in terms of migration and economic development.

Learning from Failures

Dessertine encourages young leaders not to fear failures, but to consider them as indispensable steps in the innovation process. By sharing their experiences and learning from their mistakes, they contribute to collective progress.

A Message of Hope for the Young

Dessertine concludes his intervention on an optimistic note, highlighting the immense potential of the current era, marked by rapid scientific progress. He urges young people to seize this unique opportunity to transform the world positively through innovation and collaboration.

The conference by Philippe Dessertine sends a vibrant call to action to today's and tomorrow's leaders to rethink and rebuild our economic models to create a more sustainable and equitable future. By placing scientific innovation at the heart of this transformation and promoting inclusive growth, it paves the way for a promising future for humanity and the planet.

In conclusion, the conference allowed young leaders to become aware of the urgency of the situation and their crucial role in building a more sustainable and just world.