How the TEJ Platform Handles Invoices

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 25 June 2024

TEJ Platform: Users Express Dissatisfaction with Functionality

Many users have expressed their discontent with the operation of the "TEJ" platform for transferring and exchanging tax information.

It is worth recalling that this platform is designed for the issuance of withholding tax certificates and ensures the digital archiving of tax and accounting documents, including withholding tax certificates, employer declarations, and tax bundles.

According to our sources, the teams at the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI) are currently working to improve the platform's functionality. Indeed, the use of TEJ has revealed several malfunctions that require corrections.

A illustrative case is that of Monoprix, which purchases products from the same supplier at different VAT rates, including exempt rates. The temporary solution proposed involves considering VAT as null (0%) and calculating the all-inclusive price (TTC) as the tax-exclusive base. This method allows for unlocking the situation and correctly calculating the withholding tax.

It is noteworthy that the primary objective remains to determine the withholding tax amount with precision. Although VAT calculation errors may occur, they are considered less severe than errors affecting the withholding tax.

The ongoing improvements are expected to resolve these issues and optimize the use of the TEJ platform.