Stock Market 5 Dividends to Watch This Week

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 08 July 2024

Dividend Payments: 5 Listed Companies on the Tunis Stock Exchange

This week will be marked by the distribution of dividends by 5 listed companies on the Tunis Stock Exchange. The list includes:

  • City Cars: 1,250 TND per share on 08/07/2024,
  • Air Liquide: 6,300 TND per share on 08/07/2024,
  • SAH: 0,350 TND per share on 08/07/2024, with 0,273 TND exempt from tax, as it comes from profits prior to 2014,
  • Ennakl: 0,700 TND per share on 10/07/2024,
  • MPBS: 0,200 TND per share on 11/07/2024.

For the shares that will be distributed today, the yield is very interesting. For City Cars, it is 8.40% net. For Air Liquide, it is 6.33% net. In both cases, we have a net return that is significantly better than a classic savings account. This is very profitable for investors.

The big question now is the decision to reinvest all this money. We think that only a part will be reinvested in shares, with the majority remaining in bond vehicles. This is why the net asset value of OPCVM has significantly increased in recent months. Moreover, we will have to wait for the second-quarter 2024 figures, which will start being published by the end of this week. We will have a clear idea of the evolution of the profitability of companies for the entire 2024 exercise.