Bank ABC Tunisia and Enda Tamweel Strengthen Their Collaboration with a New Loan Agreement

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 11 June 2024

Bank ABC Tunisie and Enda Tamweel Strengthen Partnership with New Loan Agreement

Bank ABC Tunisie and Enda Tamweel have consolidated their partnership by signing a new loan agreement on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Boosting Financial Inclusion for Vulnerable Groups

Enda Tamweel, a pioneer in Tunisia's microfinance sector, will utilize this loan to increase its support to micro-entrepreneurs, with a focus on vulnerable groups, including women and young people, to promote their financial inclusion.

Aligning with Bank ABC Tunisie's CSR Strategy

For Bank ABC Tunisie, this agreement is part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, aiming to contribute to the development of the social and solidarity economy (ESS) and encourage micro-entrepreneurs to create and develop their businesses.

A Shared Commitment to Social Impact

Saber Ayadi, CEO of Bank ABC Tunisie, expressed his satisfaction: "This agreement seals our commitment as a responsible and civic-minded economic actor to support the ESS. Through our partnership with Enda Tamweel, we are proud and honored to contribute to the fight against social disparities and promote financial inclusion. We are thrilled to have enabled 4,400 micro-entrepreneurs, including 58% women, to access financing for their projects. In line with our strategic objectives, we will continue to consolidate our partnership with Enda Tamweel, exploring other axes of collaboration, including digitalization and innovative initiatives for micro-entrepreneurs."

A Shared Vision for Financial Inclusion

Mohamed Zmandar, General Manager of Enda Tamweel, stated: "This loan will enable us to participate in the financial and social inclusion of vulnerable populations in Tunisia, benefiting farmers, young people, and rural women, who will have access to credits from Enda Tamweel. This initiative is at the heart of Enda's mission and project and is an integral part of the CSR of both institutions."