Africa Moroccan banks on the front line of cyberattacks according to Interpol.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 30 May 2024

Cybercrime on the Rise in Africa, Morocco Most Affected

The number of cybercrime attacks continues to surge across the African continent, according to the International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol.

In its March 2024 report on the assessment of cyber threats in Africa, Interpol sounded the alarm. The report reveals that Morocco is the most affected African country, particularly when it comes to cyberattacks targeting banks. The finding is unequivocal: cybercriminals are using various methods to target Moroccan financial institutions, including phishing, ransomware, and extortion.

This situation is concerning, given the widespread use of online banking services in Morocco, as stated in the report.

More specifically, the rise of banking Trojans Zbot (67.67%) and Fareit (15.39%) in Africa, which are types of malware specifically designed to target banks, allows cybercriminals to access customer accounts, steal banking information, and divert funds once these malware infiltrate a banking system.