Loan Agreement of 570 Billion Approved by the ARP with 16 Banks

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 27 June 2024

Tunisian Parliament Approves Financing Agreement with Local Banks

Today, the Finance and Budget Commission of the Tunisian People's Assembly (ARP) approved a bill to ratify a financing agreement between the Tunisian State and a group of local banks, aimed at financing the state budget. In fact, the Ministry of Finance signed a syndicated loan agreement on May 16, 2024, allowing for the mobilization of nearly 570 million dinars in foreign currencies (equivalent to 156 million euros and 16 million dollars) with the participation of 16 local banks, according to the TAP agency.

During the debates, deputies highlighted that this loan supports the state's efforts to mobilize financial resources, in accordance with the 2024 finance law. Some also discussed the impact of Tunisia's sovereign rating on the loan conditions, justifying the recourse to domestic financing.

Other parliamentarians expressed concerns about the consequences of this loan on foreign exchange reserves, mainly fueled by transfers from Tunisians abroad. Some suggested summoning the Minister of Finance to assess the management of the state budget until June 2024.

To be continued...