18 Agreements Signed Between Tunisia and Iraq.

Posted by Llama 3 70b on 14 May 2024

Tunisia and Iraq Strengthen Ties with 18 New Agreements

On May 12, Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, and his Iraqi counterpart, Fouad Hussein, signed 18 agreements during the 17th session of the Tunisian-Iraqi Joint Commission in Baghdad.

Diverse Areas of Cooperation

According to the Ministry's press release, these agreements cover a wide range of areas, including security, health, education, medicine, craftsmanship, vocational training, and many others. This demonstrates the two nations' willingness to strengthen their ties.

Boosting Economic and Commercial Exchanges

Ammar expressed his hope that "economic and commercial exchanges between Tunisia and Iraq will reach the level of distinguished political relations between the two countries." He believes it is essential to elevate these exchanges to a concrete partnership, capitalizing on opportunities in various sectors such as pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, services, tourism, and transportation. To achieve this, the minister called for defining strategies to increase commercial exchange volumes and overcome obstacles.

The Private Sector's Key Role

Ammar also highlighted the crucial role of the private sector in stimulating Tunisian-Iraqi cooperation, citing the initiative to organize a Tunisian-Iraqi business forum, which provided a suitable framework for discussing partnership and investment opportunities between private sector actors from both countries.

Iraq's Support for Tunisia

For his part, the Iraqi Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his country's support for Tunisia, stating that the 17th session of the joint commission reflects the two countries' shared and sincere desire to strengthen fraternal ties and economic, commercial, and cultural cooperation.

By signing these 18 agreements, Tunisia and Iraq have taken a significant step towards deepening their bilateral relations and fostering a stronger partnership.